• Workplace Learning

    • Scenarios

      This section introduces several model scenarios for your workplace learning within the Agile2Learn training. In the following section, you will find a list of proposed complete scenarios. These are ready to be applied. However, if you prefer to apply your own project idea, you may alter these proposals. Thus these scenarios MAY but MAY NOT BE THE FINAL versions of projects. You are invited to change them according to your needs and/or preferences.

      The document „Scenario template“ serves to support the development of your own project idea within the framework of an Agile project structure. Again, this is only an example of the framework for your project, and you may change the structure according to your needs and preferences (for example, number of sprints, etc.).

      For smaller projects or for application of several Agile tools and methods within your project(s), you may use the list of Agile methods and steps provided in the document “Minimum activities showing that Agile methodologies have been understood“.

      After completion of your project, please fill in the evaluation template that can be downloaded in this section, and once filled in upload it back to the Report subsection.

    • Evaluation Reports

      In the following section you will find:

      • The Template that you need to download to complete, 
      • The Resource where you are going to upload your report

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