CHOICE “CitizensHip cOmpetences to tackle clImateChangEs”
With our platform, you can quantify your skills, grow in your role and stay relevant on critical topics. Support the development of the citizenship competences of primary and secondary school students, enabling them to do their part in the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviours. Raise awareness on climate change.
(Avaliable only in English)
Introduction to the platform
The CHOICE e-platform contains a set of effective citizenship education activities on climate change targeting primary and secondary school students and aimed at fostering the adoption of environmentally sustainable behaviors. The e-platform is an online training database where primary and secondary school teachers can find useful material both for their own training and for the training of students. The e-platform is divided into two main sections: Educational material (containing Educational Paths, to be used by teachers with the students) and Training material (Training for the teachers, not to be used with students.)
How to navigate to the platform
Watch the following video to learn how to navigate to the CHOICE platform
What you will achieve
Teachers will be provided with innovative methods and tools to deliver citizenship education in order to prepare students for today's challenges such as climate change and environmental issues.
Furthermore, teachers will be supported and trained on how to embed competence-oriented citizenship education on climate change in their ordinary teaching practice.
Who is the E-Platform for?
The e-platform is designed to share teaching resources and provide mentoring to the teachers of primary and secondary schools.
The CHOICE Educational and Training Materials had been developed by:
With the collaboration of: